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We all know people who can’t sit still, talk excessively, who never seem to listen, who blurt out inappropriate comments, misplace their belongings, seem scattered and disorganized or can't seem to follow instructions no matter how clearly you present them.

While it’s normal to occasionally forget appointments, lose stuff, or act without thinking - inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are also signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. ADHD doesn't just disappear when people reach adulthood. It impacts adults too. ADHD makes it difficult for a person to inhibit their spontaneous responses, including everything from movement to speech to assertiveness.

Some children and adults with ADHD may be constantly in motion, bouncing off the walls and disrupting others around them. Other children and adults with ADHD may sit quietly, with their attention miles away.

There are three primary characteristics of ADHD: Inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, though all three aren’t always prominent.

People with ADHD may:

  • Have trouble staying focused or get easily distracted
  • Appear not to be listening when spoken to
  • Constantly fidget and squirm
  • Talk excessively and quickly
  • Act without thinking
  • Interrupt often, or say the wrong thing at the wrong time
  • Have a quick temper or “short fuse”
  • Be extra "sensitive" 
  • Forget important things
  • Have difficulty with time management

Whether or not your inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are due to ADHD, they can cause problems if left untreated. Children who can’t focus or control themselves or get into trouble at school often find it hard to make friends. These frustrations can grow into an adult with low self-esteem as well as difficulty in the workplace and in relationships.

Treatment can make a dramatic difference in your child’s symptoms. With the right support, your child can get on track for success in all areas of life.

If you’re interested in learning more about Adult ADHD and strategies for coping contact us today. We would be happy to share how we can help you achieve success and grow.