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Therapy Intensives

Feel better faster!

What is a Therapy Intensive?

Think of therapy intensives as more like a workshop or seminar but it is just you and the therapist. Intensives allow for significant healing in a shorter amount of time than traditional weekly therapy sessions. The schedule for intensives can vary which offers more flexibility than traditional therapy. Intensive therapy sessions can be 3 hours long on one day or over several days. You can see a therapist in-person or virtually. Intensives are usually done utilizing a specific modality such as IFS or EMDR or even relationship therapy.

How does it work?

You will first meet with your therapist for a Pre-Intensive Planning Session. During this meeting your therapist will help you identify your goals and narrow down the specific issues or targets you want to work on. We will then customize a Client Workbook and include assessments for you that will help you prepare for your intensive.

During an EMDR Intensive we then will utilize EMDR Reprocessing to help you heal the hurt that is interfering with you living the life you want. During an IFS Intensive the parts of you that need extra attention to heal will have the time and space to do the work with the undivided attention of your IFS Therapist. The process is entirely customized and highly specific to just you.

After the Intensive we will meet again for a Post-Intensive Session to reflect on your experience and talk about how to incorporate the growth you have felt into your every day life.

Who should sign up for Intensives?

 - Motivated individuals who want to experience a significant amount of growth in a short period of time and have some insight into what it is they want to work on.

- Working professionals who have difficulty fitting weekly therapy into their schedule.

-Busy parents who are struggling to manage the chaotic weekly schedule of the family and want to see results quickly.

-Individuals who have done a lot of talk therapy and are frustrated that they are still bothered by events they experienced in the past. We often hear these people comment, "My head gets it - but not my heart."

-People in California. Intensives are only available to individuals in California at this time.

Can I keep seeing my regular therapist?

Yes, of course you can keep seeing your regular weekly therapist. We encourage this! We will ask you to sign a consent form so that we may speak with your regular weekly therapist when preparing for your intensive session. We want to collaborate with your therapist! We are all here to help you on your healing journey.

How much does it cost? Will my insurance pay for it?

Therapy Intensives are an investment in yourself. You have to decide you deserve to feel better!

All intensives include the Pre-Intensive Planning Session, Personalized Client Workbook, 3 to 9 hours of Intensive Therapy and a Post-Intensive Session. This requires anywhere between 6 and 12 hours of your therapist's time depending on the schedule you create. Intensives cost between $950 and $2400 approximately. The great thing is that your intensive sessions can be completely tailored to your needs.

Insurance is not accepted for EMDR Therapy Intensives. If you would like to use your health insurance benefits we encourage you to look into finding an in-network provider for traditional weekly therapy sessions.

Please use the Contact button below for more information or to get started.